Types of Degreasers: Significance of Quick-release Degreaser

Degreasers are the most commonly used cleaning agents in industrial or commercial settings. Most of the time, cleaning agents like water, detergents, or abrasives will not have any effect on the grease which is to be cleaned. In such situations, a quick-release degreaser is a solution to your dilemma. Depending on the intensity of grease accumulated on the surface, a suitable degreaser shall be selected for cleaning. Another criterion for the selection of degreaser is the type of terrain it is to be used on. Usually, quick-release degreasers can be used on metal surfaces, fiber pieces, plastic surfaces, and even cement surfaces.

Due to the rising cult on environment conservation, industries are obliged to use oil-water separator systems as well. Quick-release degreaser works like magic on wastewater treatment. These degreasers are the answer to many problems faced in industries. Firstly, they can be used on any surface. Most industry settings have cement floors. Quick-release degreasers like Dégraisseur Optimax can be helpful in cleaning maximum grease from cement floors. 

Another significant problem is the oil-water separation. The wastewater should be properly treated and no oil residue should be allowed to spill into the environment. Quick-release degreasers make sure that the oil is well separated from the water waste which is drained out as effluents.

Quick-release degreasers are non-toxic and biodegradable. Non-toxic degreasers can also be used as a daily cleaning agent. In the automobile industry, the floor requires daily attention. Or else the grease accumulates there and can cause serious workplace hazards. In places like that, daily usable quick-release degreasers play an important role.

A quick-release degreaser should have the following properties as well. 

  1. It should be readily able to break the bond with the oil and grease.
  2. It should be nontoxic and biodegradable. 
  3. It should be non-hazardous to human beings. 
  4. It should not cause any sort of allergy to users. 
  5. It must be soluble in water and should have a pleasant odor.
  6. It should be compatible with all terrains of work. 
  7. It should be easily removable if spilled.

Quick-break degreasers can be the answer to your cost-cutting measures. This is because the cost of wastewater treatment can be considerably brought down with the help of these degreasers. Quick-break degreasers are taking on the industries like a wind. They increase the eco-friendliness of your workplace to a whole different level. So, shift to quick-release degreasers and become a part of this revolution.